Magento Password attribute

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Magento Password attribute

The Magento module enhances the <input type="password"> element by adding password attributes. This feature benefits password managers and browsers, allowing them to recommend suitable passwords aligned with Magento Password Options. The module aims also to improve conversion rates by facilitating correct password suggestions based on specific requirements.


Community: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
Enterprise: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

This Magento module adds password attributes to the <input type="password"> element, for example:

<input type="password" minlength="8" pattern="[0-9A-Z]" autocomplete="new-password">

This feature is particularly beneficial for password managers and browsers, as it enables them to suggest the correct password based on the password requirements in Magento Password Options. Hopefully, this enhancement will also improve conversion rates.

For reference, you can find more information about the <input type="password"> element on the Mozilla Developer Network at this link.

For Apple’s password rules, please visit this link.


In the Magento section customer/password:

Magento section customer/password

The configuration path defines customer password required character classes number and Minimum Password Length. These configurations are part of the default Magento setup. The module will generate attributes, patterns, and rules based on these settings.

  • Configuration path to enable password attributes: If set to Yes, password attributes will be added to the <input type="password"> element.
  • Configuration path to add regex password attributes pattern: If set to Yes, the password attribute pattern will be added to the <input type="password"> element.
  • Configuration path to add password rules: If set to Yes, password rules will be added to the <input type="password"> element.

When the settings are disabled:

<input type="password" name="password" id="password" title="Password" class="input-text" data-password-min-length="8" data-password-min-character-sets="2" aria-required="true">

When the settings are enabled:

<input type="password" name="password" id="password" title="Password" class="input-text" data-password-min-length="8" data-password-min-character-sets="2" minlength="8" autocomplete="new-password" required="" pattern="^(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d).{8,}$" passwordrules="minlength: 8; required: digit; required: upper" aria-required="true">

Testing minimum length of 40 characters:

Testing minimum length of 40 characters

The suggested password will satisfy the requirements.

This module also provides MFTF support for testing different password scenarios.

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